Best AI Studying Tools

The Top 10 Best AI Studying Tools 2024

Hey there! I just wanted to share this awesome information by Dr. Alex Young called “The Top 10 Best AI Studying Tools.” In the video, Dr. Young talks about some fantastic AI studying tools that can really boost your productivity as a student. From Speechify, which turns written text into spoken words, to Descript, an AI video transcription tool, there’s a whole range of tools to explore.

And as a bonus, Dr. Young also mentions and Programming Helper as additional AI study tools. The article emphasizes how important it is to consider the time-saving potential of these AI tools and how they can effectively support your studying and productivity. So whether you’re struggling with reading or need help summarizing articles and organizing notes, these AI tools have got you covered. Happy studying!


Speechify – AI Text-to-Speech Software


Speechify is an AI-powered tool that converts written text into spoken words, making it a valuable resource for students who struggle with reading or retaining information from written text. The app allows students to listen to textbooks, articles, or notes from any medium, saving time and improving comprehension and retention. With its text-to-speech function, Speechify utilizes AI to read words aloud, accommodating various learning styles and providing a more engaging and accessible study experience.


Speechify offers a range of features that enhance the studying process for students. One notable feature is the ability to customize the voice used for text-to-speech. Users can choose from a variety of voices, change accents and languages, and adjust the speaking rate to align with their specific preferences and needs. Moreover, Speechify has recently integrated audiobooks into its platform, allowing students to conveniently access and listen to a wide range of educational content.

Benefits for students

Speechify provides numerous benefits for students, particularly those who struggle with reading or those looking to optimize their study time. By converting written text into spoken words, Speechify allows students to listen to content while following along, potentially improving reading speed and comprehension. This tool can also be valuable for students with dyslexia, as it provides a supportive solution for reading difficulties.

Additionally, Speechify’s integration of audiobooks offers students a convenient way to access educational resources, providing a comprehensive study experience. With its various customization options, Speechify caters to individual learning preferences and enhances the overall studying process.

QuillBot – Top AI Writing Assistant


Quillbot is an AI-powered study tool designed to assist students in various aspects of their academic endeavors. It offers features such as paraphrasing, grammar checking, translation, summarization, and even a plagiarism checker. Quillbot is especially useful for research and academic study, providing students with an efficient and reliable tool for generating content and ensuring its quality. This list of the best AI studying tools would be incomplete without including QuillBot.


One of QuillBot’s standout features is its paraphrasing tool, which enables students to quickly enter text or upload an entire document and paraphrase it, changing the tone and structure while maintaining the original meaning. This feature saves time and effort when trying to rephrase or reword existing content. Quillbot also provides a grammar checker, citation generator, and translator, facilitating research and writing tasks. The summarization feature allows users to condense lengthy texts into concise and easily digestible summaries, helping students efficiently extract key information from articles or books. Additionally, QuillBot offers a plagiarism checker, ensuring the originality of written work and helping students maintain academic integrity.

Benefits for students

QuillBot offers several benefits for students, enhancing their productivity and streamlining the study process. The paraphrasing tool allows students to effectively reword content, making it valuable for academic writing tasks and avoiding plagiarism. The grammar checker ensures that written work is free from grammatical errors, enhancing the overall readability and quality of assignments. With the translation feature, students can easily translate texts into different languages, expanding their access to resources and fostering a global perspective. The summarization feature aids in extracting essential information from lengthy texts, saving time, and improving comprehension. These features collectively contribute to students’ academic success by providing them with a reliable tool for efficient research, writing, and content generation.

Notion AI – Best AI Productivity Tool


Notion AI is an AI-powered second-brain tool designed to assist students in organizing their academic materials and optimizing their study processes. It offers features such as summarizing saved articles, generating active recall questions, and improving the readability of essays. Notion AI seamlessly integrates with Notion, a popular note-taking and organization app, providing students with a comprehensive solution for managing their study materials.


Notion AI boasts several features that enhance students’ study experiences and productivity. One notable feature is the ability to summarize saved articles, allowing students to quickly extract key information and improve their understanding of complex topics. Additionally, Notion AI can generate active recall questions, promoting effective learning by prompting students to retrieve information from memory. This feature is particularly useful when preparing for exams or tests. Notion AI also incorporates language models to optimize the readability of essays, ensuring that written work flows well and is easily comprehensible.

Benefits for students

Notion AI offers numerous benefits for students seeking to improve their study processes and organization, and as such, it is included in this list of the best AI studying tools for students. The ability to summarize saved articles saves time and effort, enabling students to quickly review essential information from a vast array of resources. By generating active recall questions, Notion AI aids in reinforcing learning and consolidating knowledge, contributing to improved long-term retention. The tool’s language model integration enhances the readability of written work, ensuring that essays and assignments are coherent and effective in conveying ideas. Notion AI’s seamless integration with Notion provides students with a comprehensive platform for organizing their study materials, streamlining their workflow, and maximizing productivity.

Shiken AI – AI Quiz Tool


Shiken AI is an AI-powered adaptive learning platform designed to create and share quiz games for studying. We have included it in the Best AI Studying Tools as it offers various question types and integrates mindfulness techniques to enhance the study experience. Shiken AI focuses on engaging students in interactive and effective learning activities.


One of Shiken AI’s standout features is its diverse range of question types. Students can choose from flashcards, single-best-answer questions, speech-to-text oral questions, and more. This variety allows for personalized and engaging study sessions tailored to individual learning preferences. Moreover, Shiken AI incorporates mindfulness techniques to mitigate test-related anxiety and promote a calm and focused mindset while studying. The platform also allows users to create and store their own questions, providing flexibility and customization options.

Benefits for students

Shiken AI offers several benefits for students seeking to study more effectively and efficiently. The platform’s focus on interactive quiz games motivates and engages students, making studying a more enjoyable experience. The diverse range of question types ensures that students can engage in active recall, an effective learning technique. The integration of mindfulness techniques helps students manage test-related stress and anxiety, promoting a positive and focused mindset. Shiken AI’s ability to create and store custom questions allows for personalized study sessions, accommodating individual learning needs and goals. Overall, Shiken AI enhances students’ learning experiences by fostering active engagement, promoting focus, and tailoring study activities to their preferences.

Elicit – AI Research And Literature Review Tool


Elicit is an AI-powered research tool that automates the literature review process. It assists students in finding and summarizing relevant papers, optimizing their research workflows, and saving time in academic endeavors. Elicit leverages language models and intelligent search functions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of literature reviews.


Elicit provides features that facilitate the literature review process and aid students in their research tasks. One noteworthy feature is its intelligent search function, which allows users to quickly find relevant papers and filter results based on specific criteria. Elicit can also summarize papers, extracting important information to save time and provide a concise overview of the literature. The platform enables users to create custom prompts and tasks, increasing productivity and helping students make the most of the AI’s analytical capabilities. Elicit also offers the ability to analyze research papers using language models, contributing to more informed and comprehensive literature reviews.

Benefits for students

Elicit offers significant benefits for students engaged in research and literature review tasks. The intelligent search function dramatically improves the efficiency of finding relevant papers, reducing the time and effort required to conduct thorough literature reviews. With the ability to summarize papers, Elicit allows students to quickly grasp the key information and findings of multiple articles, enhancing their understanding of a given topic. The platform’s customization options, such as creating custom prompts and tasks, enable students to personalize the research process and extract the most relevant insights from their chosen papers. Elicit’s AI-powered analysis capabilities contribute to more informed literature reviews, enhancing the quality and depth of students’ research outputs.

Scholarcy – AI Summarizing Tool


Scholarcy is an AI-powered tool that assists students in reading and summarizing academic articles, making them more easily digestible and accessible. It provides features such as article summarization, reference and citation extraction, flashcard creation, and an integrated library for organizing and storing summarized articles.


One of Scholarcy’s key features is its article summarization capability, which allows students to condense lengthy academic articles into concise summaries. This feature saves time and helps students extract the most important information from a vast amount of research. Scholarcy also offers a reference and citation extraction feature, allowing users to quickly generate references and citations for their own papers. The tool’s flashcard creation feature facilitates active recall and note-taking, aiding in the memorization and understanding of key concepts. Scholarcy’s integrated library provides a central hub for organizing and storing summarized articles, ensuring easy access and efficient management of study materials.

Benefits for students

Scholarcy offers several benefits for students engaging in academic research and reading. The article summarization feature saves significant time and effort, enabling students to quickly grasp the essential points of complex research papers. The ability to extract references and citations simplifies the process of creating bibliographies, ensuring accuracy and adherence to academic citation standards. Scholarcy’s flashcard creation feature promotes active recall and note-taking, enhancing students’ ability to retain and understand key information. The integrated library streamlines the organization and retrieval of summarized articles, providing a centralized and efficient platform for managing academic resources. Overall, Scholarcy enhances the study experience by making academic articles more accessible, manageable, and easily comprehensible for students.

Trevor – AI Time Management Tool


Trevor is a time-management app that helps students prioritize tasks and plan their time effectively. With its AI-powered features, Trevor assists students in creating time blocks and managing their schedules, ensuring maximum productivity and efficiency in their daily activities.


One of Trevor’s primary features is its time-blocking capability, which allows students to allocate specific time intervals for their tasks and activities. By organizing their schedules into dedicated blocks, students can prioritize their work and ensure focused attention on important tasks. Trevor also provides AI-powered recommendations for optimizing time blocks based on individual preferences and patterns. This feature helps students make the most of their available time by suggesting optimal time allocations and potential schedule improvements. Additionally, Trevor offers features such as goal setting, task tracking, and reminders, adding accountability and structure to students’ daily routines.

Benefits for students

Trevor offers numerous benefits for students seeking to improve their time management skills and enhance productivity. The time blocking feature helps students allocate their time effectively, ensuring that important tasks receive the necessary attention and reducing the likelihood of procrastination. The AI-powered recommendations provide valuable insights into time allocation and schedule optimization, helping students make informed decisions about their time usage. Trevor’s goal-setting and task-tracking features foster accountability and motivation, allowing students to track their progress and stay focused on their objectives. By incorporating Trevor into their study routines, students can better manage their time and enhance their overall productivity and success.

Genei – Best AI Research Summarizing Tool


Genei is an AI-powered study tool that assists students in extracting key information from articles and helps with note-taking. By leveraging AI capabilities, Genei streamlines the process of reading and comprehending academic content, making it a valuable resource for efficient studying.


Genei offers a range of features designed to enhance the study process and note-taking for students. One notable feature is its ability to extract key information from academic articles, saving the time and effort required to read and process lengthy texts. This feature allows students to quickly identify and understand the main ideas and critical points of a given article. Genei also assists with note-taking by providing an organized platform for storing and managing notes. By integrating AI, Genei simplifies and optimizes the note-taking process, enabling students to access and review their notes with ease.

Benefits for students

Genei provides several benefits for students seeking to improve their study efficiency and effectiveness. The ability to extract key information from articles saves significant time and aids in understanding complex academic content. By leveraging Genei’s AI capabilities, students can quickly identify the main ideas and critical points of a text, facilitating comprehension and retention. The tool’s note-taking features provide a centralized platform for students to store and organize their notes, ensuring easy accessibility and efficient review. Genei’s AI-powered assistance contributes to enhancing students’ ability to engage with academic content effectively, ultimately improving their study outcomes and knowledge retention.

Beautiful.AI – AI Presentation Tool

Description is an AI-powered presentation maker that simplifies and streamlines the process of designing professional and visually appealing slides. The tool offers various features for creating stunning presentations quickly and efficiently, making it an excellent resource for students.


Beautiful.AI provides numerous features that enable students to design polished and visually engaging presentations effortlessly. One standout feature is its intuitive design templates, which offer a range of customizable layouts, fonts, and color schemes. These templates take the guesswork out of slide design, ensuring coherence and professionalism in presentations. also offers AI-powered smart suggestions, which analyze content and provide recommendations for slide structure and design elements. Additionally, the tool’s collaboration feature allows students to work together on presentations remotely, facilitating group projects and enhancing productivity.

Benefits for students

Beautiful.AI offers several benefits for students seeking to create captivating and impactful presentations. The intuitive design templates enable students to create visually stunning slides without requiring design expertise. This feature saves time and ensures consistency and aesthetic appeal throughout the presentation. The AI-powered smart suggestions provide valuable guidance in structuring content and selecting design elements, resulting in professional and compelling visuals. The collaboration feature fosters teamwork and remote collaboration, allowing students to work together on presentations even when physically separated. By utilizing, students can effectively convey their ideas and enhance the visual impact of their presentations, contributing to successful communication and engagement.

Descript – AI Audio And Video Editing Software

Descript is an all-in-one video and podcast editing software that empowers users to create professional-quality content with ease. This innovative platform stands out for its unique feature set, combining traditional editing capabilities with cutting-edge AI-driven tools. Descript’s standout feature is its text-based editing, which allows users to edit audio and video content by simply manipulating the written transcript. This makes the editing process more intuitive and accessible, especially for those new to editing.


The platform offers a range of essential editing tools, including cut, copy, paste, and drag-and-drop functionalities. Its seamless integration of text-based editing allows users to make changes effortlessly, with the edits automatically reflected in the corresponding media. Descript also provides collaborative features, enabling multiple users to collaborate on projects in real-time, facilitating efficient teamwork.

Additionally, Descript boasts a powerful AI-driven transcription engine that accurately converts spoken words into written text. Users can leverage this feature for automatic transcription, saving time and effort in the content creation process. The software supports various audio and video formats, making it versatile and accommodating for different content needs.

Benefits for students

Descript offers several benefits for students, making it a valuable tool for academic and creative pursuits:

Descript is an all-in-one video and podcast editing software that combines traditional editing capabilities with AI-driven tools. Its standout feature is text-based editing, which makes the editing process more intuitive. Descript also offers collaborative features, a powerful transcription engine, versatile media format support, and a user-friendly interface. It allows students to create professional-quality multimedia content, save time on transcription, collaborate effectively, and enhance their learning experience in remote environments.

Key Points:

  • Descript combines traditional editing with AI-driven tools
  • Text-based editing makes the process more intuitive
  • Collaborative features enable efficient teamwork
  • A powerful transcription engine saves time on manual transcription
  • Versatile media format support accommodates different content needs
  • A user-friendly interface suits students learning the basics of editing
  • Professional-quality output enhances academic work
  • Engaging multimedia projects can be created seamlessly with Descript
  • Supports remote learning with cloud-based collaboration and sharing features

Conclusion – Best AI Studying Tools

Consideration of time-saving potential

When considering the top AI studying tools for students, it is crucial to assess their time-saving potential. These AI-powered tools are designed to streamline and optimize various aspects of the study process, ultimately saving students valuable time. Features such as text-to-speech conversion, paraphrasing, summarization, intelligent search functions, and automated research workflows all contribute to minimizing time spent on manual tasks and maximizing productivity. By incorporating these tools into their study routines, students can allocate their time more efficiently, focus on comprehension and retention, and maintain a balanced workload.

Importance of supporting studying and productivity

The emergence of AI studying tools highlights the significance of supporting students’ studying and productivity. These tools serve as valuable resources for students seeking to optimize their learning experiences, improve their academic performance, and enhance their overall productivity. By leveraging AI capabilities, students can access innovative solutions that simplify and automate various study tasks, allowing them to allocate their time effectively, streamline their workflows, and increase their engagement with academic content. As technology continues to advance, these best AI studying tools play a crucial role in empowering students and facilitating their success in the educational realm.